Our Independent Insurance Agents are some of the top in the industry, providing the highest level of care for their clients throughout the state of Texas.
Becton Insurance Agency
For over 33 years the staff at Becton Insurance has been providing it’s clients with quality, reliable insurance to the people of Texas. Becton Insurance began operation in March,1978. The Agency continues under the same ownership and management. Becton Insurance Agency was established to provide service to clients in and around the Lubbock and West Texas areas. The Agency now meets the insurance needs of clients through out Texas. In 1991, the agency clustered with three other agencies in the Lubbock area, which has now increased to thirteen agencies with sixteen locations around the state of Texas. The cluster has given additional markets and services for each of our clients as well as some of the best pricing available in Texas. We are proud members of the SBMP Insurance Group, Independent Insurance Agents of Texas and are Trusted Choice agents among other trade associations with whom we work closely to provide timely and accurate risk management services.